Kaw Valley Kickball League
Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

To the KVKL Community:

During this last week, we have witnessed a swell of outrage from our fellow citizens about the death of George Floyd and other innocent black Americans—and, truthfully, a long history of unhealed wounds that are always present, volatile, and heavy on our minds.

As a board, we feel the responsibility to speak to our community about this issue, but it has been a challenge to find words that are meaningful or useful. What seems certain to us is that we must face this situation. We want you to know that we hear you, we see you, and we stand with you. Black Lives Matter and you are our family.

Our league promotes the safety, dignity, and equality of all our players and teams. And though we do not always have the same understanding of how to achieve those ends—and the work will not be easy—there can be no question that we must strive to understand the state of our people, be generous with our fellow citizens, and improve the lives of all of our community.


Kaw Valley Kickball League