Kaw Valley Kickball League
Commissioner's Welcome

Welcome back Kickballers!  We are so excited about the upcoming kickball season and I am so excited to say that I will be your commissioner this year.  I am looking forward to a great season of crazy kickball in the most amazing kickball league around.  We are happy to announce the addition of Lauren Lagaly to the board this year as Jana Curtiss has stepped down.  Thank you, Jana, for all your hard work over the years.  The board has been working hard to get things ready for this season and together we can make this an amazing and safe season for all.   

Important dates: 

Registration is now open for returning and new teams.  

April 4th  Registration Due: Complete registration includes signed captains waivers, $300 league fees and a full roster of 10+players with full names and email addresses or phone numbers.  

April 17th and 18th Yard Sale: The yard sale is at 15th and Barker from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  This event will take the place of the Spring Tournament.  Proceeds from the Yard Sale will go to Ladybird Pantry.  

April 25th Captains Meeting: Meeting will be via Zoom. Captains will receive an email with the link the day before the meeting.  Time is yet to be determined.  I willbe sending out a parking lot for questions to captains.  This way we will have answers to all of your questions. Please be sure to get your questions to captains by April 20th. We are asking captains to have all questions submitted by then.   

We will not be holding a Ref Clinic this year, we encourage everyone to read the rules

May 16th  Season Begins  

May 30th Week 3 Memorial Weekend: With 4th of July falling on a Sunday this year we are not able to skip both Memorial weekend and 4th of July and still have a buffer for rainouts.    

July 4th Happy Independence Day! No games.

KVKL Podcast: The podcast will also be changing this year.  More details to follow as we are still working out all the details.  

Sundays in the Park Blog: If you have any interest in being a full-time or part-time contributor to the blog let us know and what it is you would like to focus on.  You could cover certain pools or ranks.  It would be great to get more involvement and more games of all levels covered.  

Cans for the Community: we will be collecting cans again this year!  Remember your cans and leave your glass at home. 

New Rules and Rule Changes: Due to the pandemic we will be implementing some new rules this year.  We also have some slight changes to some existing rules.

Mask Rule:  We are asking that everyone wear masks at all KVKL games.  Refs will be enforcing the mask rules for players on the field.  Players that enter the field of play without a mask will be given one warning.  If the same player makes a second offense they will be ejected from the game.  It is the captain's responsibility to be sure that all of their players are aware of the  masks rules, no exceptions will be made.  If players are ejected from the game and this results in your team having an illegal line-up you will have to take a forfeit.  

Game Time: Game times may change this year to give players and fans more time between games to leave the area for the next game.  We are planning for games to begin at 5:00 and 7:30.  We are waiting on final field approval as we would need lights at all fields if games were to start later.  

GOTW: At this point in time we are not comfortable holding GOTW at Hobbs Park at 9:00.  We are still working on details as to what GOTW will look like and we will get you that information as soon as possible.  

QuarantineIf a team is unable to field a full team due to players being on quarantine from Covid-19 the board will help teams to reschedule the games.  The game should be made up as soon as possible with a deadline of the Wednesday after week 5 for the first half of the season and Wednesday after week 10 for the second half of the season. This will allow time for scheduling of games and the end of season tournament. If you are unable to reschedule in the time allowed it will result in a loss for your team.  This rule will only be implemented for teams whose players are on quarantine or test positive for Covid-19 during the season. Captains please let the Board know if any of your players were at a game and could have potentially exposed others so we can contact anyone that would need to quarantine.  

Please understand that the Board has worked very hard and these have not been easy decisions for us to make.  We understand that things are very fluid at this time and we may be making changes as we move through the season.  Our goal is to keep everyone as safe as possible.  Thank you all for your patience and understanding as we begin this unprecedented season. 

Your 2021 Commissioner,
Staci Ahlvers