Sacred Sword | 18 |
at Ghosts | 10 |
River City Matadores | 14 |
at Sacred Sword | 6 |
Sacred Sword | 11 |
at Woost | 3 |
Free State Growlers | 15 |
at Sacred Sword | 8 |
Ladybird Harpies | 9 |
at Sacred Sword | 3 |
Sacred Sword | 17 |
at Mass St. Soda Jerks | 7 |
Sacred Sword | 2 |
at Red Lyon | 18 |
Sacred Sword | 0 |
at Lawrence Shirt Factory | 17 |
Grandstand Glasskickers | 1 |
at Sacred Sword | 7 |
Sacred Sword | 23 |
at Liberty Hall Late Fees | 6 |
Brewballers | 5 |
at Sacred Sword | 11 |
Sacred Sword | 3 |
at Where's My Pitches | 10 |
Sacred Sword | 3 |
at Screamers | 9 |
Sacred Sword was a short-lived retail store on Mass St. in the early-mid 2000's. It was dedicated to promoting Wizardry and other medieval nerdery. When we went there to see if they would let us borrow some battle axes, a morning star and a or a lance or two for our kickball card photo shoot, we were surprised to hear that they already knew about our kickball team that bore their name (without their consent). The owner was very happy to hear that we were supporting them but also seemed to think that KVKL was some sort of online role-playing game that we joined in their name. This team joined the league in 2006 and has had 50+ members over that 13 year span many of whom still play in the league today. The closest Sword ever came to the Championship game was when we lost in 13 innings in the Semi-final to the eventual champ, Los Luchadores (whatever year that was), at the time it was considered the longest game in league history. Since then the team has had up and down years but through it all we remain dedicated to our primary mission of being the perfect mix of the snarkiest douchebags and the nicest people in the league. CRUSH.KILL.DESTROY.